Hello and Welcome to my first blog! I should really start discuss the purpose behind this blog but I won't, simply because I don't know what I plan to write about. All I can tell you is, most of my topics will discuss video games and technology, with the latter being the more prominent.
I do however have a vision for this blog or at least a vision of the outcome of my blogging expedition. That vision is to create an innate network between gamers in the Middle East. Let's be honest, video gamers in the Middle East usually get the shit end of the stick when it comes to video game distribution in the region. Not only do some Middle Eastern countries receive shipment of some games months late, but most if not all video games are sold at atrocious prices; with most games costing twice their original prices. What I hope this blog will do for us gamers is, create a network where we can buy our games, legally, quickly and at reasonable prices.
Some may have noticed that I mentioned purchasing video games legally. What is meant by that is, buying original copies of video games. We all know that the Middle East is scattered with millions of dollars of copied games; These copies are a necessity in the Middle East seeing how original copies are so expensive in comparison to their prices in Western Countries; and as long as video games are sold at high prices in the Middle East then there is no reason why copies should not be sold. If video game companies and retailers plan to screw us over then, there is no reason for us not to screw them over.
Finally, I hope that this blog will help Middle Eastern developers emerge; if we play the games, we might as well develop them. I also hope that through this blog we can provide our perspective as gamers on the state of the industry and on the different topics surrounding video games and especially those relative to the Middle East. Thus, my first article will be an opinionated article on the Little Big Planet "incident" and the whole media ruckus around it.
Sorry for going on for so long! I hope this blog is a hit. If you enjoy it please let me know and please feel free to contact me if you have any information or ideas about how to advance the blog.
Yours Truly
Middle Eastern Video Gamer
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